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Fake Asexual Men Trolling on Here Looking for Sex

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July 1, 2006
Posts: 3

PostPosted:     Post subject: Fake Asexual Men Trolling on Here Looking for Sex
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Beware, ladies, beware... Look out for predators on here (and similar sites)! Unfortunately, there are some jerks out there, people who like to play games, as well as -worse- dangerous perverts/ s----l predators. I have noticed that some of the men on this site are posing as asexual or celibate when in fact they are not. I have learned the hard way about men lying when they're trying to get S-- (to trick women into having an affair, to get them alone in a dangerous situation, buying lots of drinks, etc.) There are some guys who want to get with a celibate woman the same way they would want to get with a lesbian- think conversion, fetish, or (if they are se---lly inexperienced) 'claiming' that woman- ugh- so primitive but perverted men do think this way.

If he says he is "asexual" or "'celibate"'- signs he is lying:
1. His profile makes crude references to female anatomy
2. He lists "nudism" as a hobby or says he's looking for "something really hot/ friends ---- --------" (um, then why are you *here*)?
3. He makes *a lot* of references to money, tries to find out your financial situation, etc (in exhange for??) If a guy makes a big deal out of having money or it seems thats all he has going on- watch out.
4. Asks alot of personal questions, out of context, about past s----l experience or lack thereof (i.e- "when did you last have sex?" or "are you a virgin") AND Asks probing questions but is notably *very* secretive about himself or says things that dont add up.
5. For someone lacking s----l attraction, seems VERY interested in your body (i.e- "what size breasts do you have?" "'are you fit"? "size pants"? etc. "'I want a model."' Why? Even asexuals might be alittle picky but if he's too picky watch him...)
6. Talks about HIS many s----l experiences- graphically- admits to liking ----, going to hookers, etc.
7. Sends or posts elsewhere s----lized pics or "hot" pics or pics of himself with half naked women, etc.
8. Says he does not like "shy" women (in other words, he wants a wild time)
9. Is defensive (if 'caught') and or verbally abusive for no good reason (not that there's *ever* a good reason)- being disrespectful and blaming you for everything, even his own rudeness (guilt again)
10. Wants to pick you up at your home (never let anyone do this!!) If he gets mad and says "don't you trust me?" remember trust is *earned* not given to strangers!

Signs he is also- MARRIED- or at least "in a relationship", in general:
1. Only provides you with a cell phone number and no home phone number (in case the wife/ girlfriend picks up the phone)
2. Acts like the relationship (should it develop) must remain "'secret" on the premise of being embarassed about asexuality when really it's because he's married or dating someone else
3. Calls you, but very infrequently, and at very specified times, or very late at night. Or if you contact him once in a 2 week period feels "smothered". Hmmm...
4. Contacts you by IM or email but then gets defensive/paranoid if you try to contact him this way (gf or wife shares computer!) OR someone with his screen name IMs you back & doenst know who you are/ or ignores you for no reason
5. Makes dates & "forgets" about them (wife came home from the business trip early). OR calls with a lame/ funny excuse- "my friend needed a arm transplant", "my apt. caught on fire" etc.
6. Is *always* busy and goes on business "trips" practically every day
7. Gives mixed messages about meeting- likes you one day, the next day does not (guilt over cheating)
8. Is dumb enough to say on his webpage or myspace that he is "in a relationship" and if you ask about it, makes myspace private & gets defensive.. Hmmm. (he's been caught red-handed!)
9. Not always a sign but often- does not post any pic on here or if he does its so blurry you cant pick him out of a crowd (after all he doesnt want his wife, gf, mom, or friends to see that he's a cheater!)
10. If you ever do meet- and this I know- he does not introduce you to family or friends and visits your home but *never* lets you see where HE lives!

Before youagree to meet someone, google them to make sure they are who they said they were. And check out Zabasearch or PeopleSearch- if you see this person more than twice I'd say pay the extra money for the advanced search (criminal history, marriage records, addresses, etc). Better safe than sorry!You've been warned ladies! Have a safe & pleasant day.

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February 8, 2008
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.Come on, is there really such a thing as a celibate man? Even priests can't keep it in their pants. Nothing you wrote above surprises me in the least...

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Posted:     Post subject:

.Hey, I'm still a v and i'm not worried about it one bit. i have my hole life( as long as god has me here.) to do what i can. So there's no rush.But thats just me.
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Posted:     Post subject:

`that's really lame. asexuals don't want s--. what are they expecting to find?

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June 16, 2008
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`Thanks for the advice, sweetgrrl, you obviously are a caring person and for those of us who are new to these types of sites, your words are welcome. I hope your wisdom does not come from negative personal experience, but I have the feeling it does!
Emeraldeyes, you said it! I can't speak for any other asexuals on here, but for myself I am looking for a real and lasting relationship with someone. There are other ways to express love other than the s----l act... it's unfortunate that the people sweetgrrl described don't respect that!

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July 10, 2008
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`im a man and i get sick of macho men im celibate cos S-- makes me feel sick i dont even like people touching me

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August 24, 2008
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I think sweetgrrl

that to a large part your probably right. certianly a few lesbian friends of mine are always complaining that some men pretend to be females on the internet just to trick others and yes most cheating partners are men.


If a man discloses he is Asexual as I am that does not automatically mean they are not, many of us who are also use other Asexual sites also.

On the mobile phone number vs home number I would imagine many women do this. It's a safeguard at first contact because you do not know who is on the other end a mobile you can turn off or change very quickly but your home phone is known to those who you would call close.

Believe it or not there are some freaky women out there also !

Me I prefer email first, then something like msn (No cams please or naughty pics...they do nothing for me) then if I think I would like to know more possibly a mobile but never my home phone until I feel very safe with them. Even Asexual men get worried about who's on the other end of the phone/computer.

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Posted:     Post subject: OMG

Wow, thanks for taking the time to write such a thorough forum post about the subject.

It wouldn't have occurred to me that someone who wants S-- would waste their time on a site like this - what's the point, man they must be really dim!

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Posted:     Post subject: Re: OMG

lkjhg wrote: Wow, thanks for taking the time to write such a thorough forum post about the subject.

It wouldn't have occurred to me that someone who wants S-- would waste their time on a site like this - what's the point, man they must be really dim!

I'm not really sure why a man would come to this site seeking a s----l relations. In truth, I do believe it would be very rare to find men who would naturally be aesexual. Why most males would come to a site called Celibate passions would be that dues to medical procedures or accident, he was left without the ability and or desire for s----l relations, but still seeks the affection and companionship of a long term relationship with a woman. This is what does happen t oa lot of men by our middle years myself included. My ability to sustain a meaningful relationship with a woman is difficult when she has a "normal" S-- drive and libido. Finding women who are either medically unable or have a low libido, is my best hope to find a long term partner.
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Posted:     Post subject:

I'm really not trying to be rude here but...
I'm an Asexual guy & post like this tick me off. I know some guys are fake & scam women on sites like this but I have also seen women scam men on sites as well; they ask guys for money & run. I also have seen some women with fake profiles here too. They mention there bra size & talk about there booty figure. I report that s---. I think it totally sux that guys are getting a bad rep cuz of some jerks. Asexual guys actually DO exist. NOT every Asexual guy is a scammer or fake.

I think everyone needs to be careful when using a dating site or when asking strangers out in the real-world. There's lots os scammers/fakes.

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November 29, 2012
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`None of this is surprising, thanks for sharing it and I will always keep a look out. Very smart of you. I don't know why more young women/men don't do this and keep their privacy safe.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`Good advice. Better safe than sorry especially applies on the net.

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